

Match 6. - Hungary - Moldova

2009.08.22. 19:02 Hmao


Százhalombatta, Hungary



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mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:19:36

strats the game by HUN in red jersey

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:20:53

HUN saves by long kick

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:23:05

it seems like fifity-fifty game

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:24:00

blood injury from HUN

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:26:34

good defence by HUN, there are couple hard tackles

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:29:47

good kick from HUN nr 7 and knock on by blue 15 and scrum on the 5m

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:31:02

penalty and nice attack pick and drive HUN goes fro try from 5m scrum

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:32:55

crazy move by red nr 9 from penalty go forward alone into the MOL defence line and brake him down

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:34:35

5m line out for MOL

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:36:01

forms a maul and scores by nr23, good conv by nr 15 half time 0-7

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:38:36

kick off for 2nd half at 18.38

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:40:55

scrum for HUN and it is wheeling, but play on

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:42:15

fantastic try by MOL nr 13 0-12, and the conv is coming by nr15

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:45:58

HUN has no enough power to win the gainline and MOL can defend succesfully

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:48:32

HUN linout inside own 22m

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:50:37

HUN line out again but at the half line, penalty for HUN nice backlines attack and do not release the ball on the 5m blue defend zone

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:53:08

scrum at the middle for HUN

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:54:59

kicking battle and blue attack, high tackle by reds

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:56:54

penalty kick from 23m by blue nr 15, but there were body check and pen for hun

mrgsz 2009.08.23. 18:57:45

penalty for MOL from 15 m, goes for line out
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