

Match 3. - Moldova - Hungary

2009.08.20. 12:58 Hmao


Százhalombatta, Hungary

Ref: Luc M. Jenssens

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Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:18:51

The 3rd game is starting soon

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:23:10

MOL started the match

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:25:28

line out at 50 m for MOL, and fast run in the backlines and score at the corner by nr 11 ARHIP

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:26:19

short conv kick by nr 15 MATVEEV

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:27:50

penalty for HUN at 20 m from the gate

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:28:51

HUN can pressure for MOL inside 22m

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:29:36

other line out for MOL at the middle

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:30:42

Moldavians are mor stronger than Huns in the scrum

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:32:33

handling errors from MOL, but there were not anybody till the try

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:34:37

nice HUN attack from the backs, and MOL saves by kick from 22m

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:36:17

HUN line out in the 15 m at the 15 min, not straight scrum for MOL

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:37:55

ther were a lot of missed tackle by the HUNs and nr4 GARGALIC run 50 m for try, 10-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:38:32

conv by nr15, 12-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:39:45

there are missed tackles again and MOL run 40 m forward, but forward pass before the last man

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:41:28

HUN nr 9 Ban is the most active player, but he is the only one

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:44:44

hun scrum moves 90degrees, MOL scrum and fast strat by nr8 and paased for nr 14 EVTEEV, 17-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:49:02

Half time MOL-HUN 17-0, there are a lot chance to score for both teams but the handling errors and forward passes block the attacks. Some unusefull penalties make the game hard for MOLDAVIA. HUN had 4-5 nice attacks but the following players always late, more combinative play should be succesfull attacks.

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:53:06

scrum for HUN at 22m of the opposite team territory

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:57:07

no tackles from HUN defenders and MOL can go 30m

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:58:14

the ball possession is equal, but MOL can score points

Hmao 2009.08.20. 18:59:33

HUNs has a lot of diving over and can not continue their play

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:00:11

the subs are coming for MOL

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:01:21

blue nr4 score 2nd try, 22-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:02:29

2 points for conv, 24-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:04:02

long passes from penalty and nr12 PRAKTER score a try

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:05:08

conv not good, 26-5, need more try

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:07:57

5m line out for MOL and more 5 pts, 31-5 in the 39th min

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:08:26

+2 ponits by nr 15

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:09:53

simple pass from blue 13 paas to nr 11 and score a try 38-5

Hmao 2009.08.20. 19:11:25

Final score 38-5, Moldova won the game deserved, we will meet on Sunday on the 2nd game day
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