

Match 1. - Moldova - Bulgaria

2009.08.20. 12:56 Hmao


Százhalombatta, Hungary

Ref: Luc Jenssens

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Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:26:00

in the 12th minutes ARHIP score a try 5-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:40:40

13 min MATVEEV has good conversion
21 min 12 player LYASHKO try, with perfect kick for 2 points by MATVEEV, after first half Moldova leads 14-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:42:46

25 min 8 player ARHIP scored his 2nd try, 15 has good conv 21-0

Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:46:33

Moldova has stronger forwards and they can score points easily with the 3rd line, during the 2nd half there are some substitution for both side

Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:49:58

It looks like the players save their energy for the following games, because the tempreture is 32 degrees

Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:52:00

the play is going between the two 22m lines

Hmao 2009.08.20. 16:54:32

Simple 5 points for Moldova, try scorer is 11 nr GHEORGHIES, that was the last action in the game, final score is 26-0
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